Physician coaching

Intentional commitment
to your career

Are you feeling stuck in the cycle of exhaustion and burnout in the medical world? You don’t have to stay there. I can help you rediscover your purpose and get back that balance you’ve been missing.

Let’s explore strategies to reignite your passion for medicine while keeping your well-being front and center. Are you ready to take that step toward a more fulfilling professional life?

Physician, mother, wife, coach

Hi, I’m Shannon

I am a board certified Internal Medicine physician practicing primary care in Upstate New York.  In my practice of medicine, I’m passionate about treating each individual comprehensively, with a team focused on empathy.  The system can be exhausting to navigate, and I am committed to walking each patient through with compassion.

As a Master Certified Physician Development Coach, I also have the privilege of partnering with individuals and teams within healthcare as they struggle with issues of burnout, compassion fatigue, and value dis-alignment.  I love coaching individuals who are looking to reconnect to purpose and shift their mindset to one of intention.

Outside of the practices of medicine and coaching, you’ll find me on the soccer field cheering on one of my three littles, on Seneca Lake soaking up the beauty of the Finger Lakes, or pacing the room watching my Buffalo Bills.

How I can help you

I am your partner in reflection, action, and growth

As physicians, we often get caught up in the whirlwind of patient care and omit prioritizing ourselves.

Coaching is a rare opportunity for you to focus on your own wellness, explore ways to reconnect with purpose and rediscover your passion for medicine.

Are you ready to dive in and find that spark again?

Improve Communication

We will explore your communication style using a DISC assessment, and lean into the benefits of understanding the styles of others in your life. 

Align With
Your Values

We will work together to assure your daily work is in connection with your authentic self, building a fulfilling professional life in sync with your best self.

Work Through Decisions

Whether it is a transition into a leadership position, out of clinical practice, or into a new stage of life, I’m here to support you through the process.


Using tools and strategies specific to your goals, we’ll help shift the feeling of overwhelm to one of joy and satisfaction.

Success Stories

What My Clients Say

“I worked with Dr. Schamel during a transitional time in my career. She helped me identify my why and was invaluable in helping me align my career goals with my intrinsic motivation. I recommend her coaching to any healthcare professional looking for the empowerment and confidence to seek their ideal career.” 


Private practice psychology

“As a young surgeon, I struggled to adjust to my new role in both my professional and home life. Coaching with Dr Schamel gave me the tools to improve my life in both arenas. I would invest in her services again.”


Orthopedic surgeon

“My time with Dr. Schamel gave me a safe space to really reflect on my personal values and helped me identify what mattered most, and how I could use these values to drive my professional change/transition. Dr. Schamel’s coaching is well worth the investment of time for those moving forward through change, let it be personal or professional.”


Care coordination leader

Here are the answers to some

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers covering all the basics about my services. I’m sure you’ll have more questions, so feel free to get in touch!

Shoot me a message, or give me a call and I’ll fill you in on all the details you want to know. Looking forward to connecting!

What is coaching? What is coaching not?
  • Coaching is the opportunity to focus on your own wellness and reconnect to your purpose.
  • Coaching assumes the answer is already within you, and partners with you to access it.
  • Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client, with a foundation of empathy and respect from someone who has been there before.
  • Coaching is our “secret sauce” to combating burnout with tools focused on value alignment, communication expertise, and boundary exploration.
  • Coaching is support for your ambitions and boundaries.
  • Coaching is not therapy or a substitute for mental health services.
Who benefits from coaching?

Everyone benefits from coaching is the answer! But here are some specific places I see opportunity:

  • Physicians who feel stuck with a vague sense of blah. Are you asking yourself “Do I just keep going to the office every day forever?”
  • Physician leaders who are overwhelmed with our system. Do you find yourself saying: “I guess it really just is a business.”?
  • Physician parents or caregivers who are exhausted. Are you wondering if giving up clinical medicine is the only way to raise your family?
  • Physicians considering a transition in career. Are you asking if you should retire, take an admin position, or just give up and get certified to start doing Botox injections?!?
How is my coaching program structured?
  1. My coaching program—“The Purposeful Physician” is a 6 month program which includes 2 hours of introduction and goal setting, followed by 1 hour virtual sessions every 2-3 weeks.  In addition, I am available to my clients via email and voice messaging  during that time for help.
  2. Graduates of the Purposeful Physician program have the opportunity to schedule one-on-one sessions thereafter for additional support.
  3. I also offer coaching services to hospitals and academic programs in medicine. Some examples of services offered include individual coaching for faculty, group coaching sessions for medical students, wellness lectures, and investments in comprehensive coaching programs for new physicians or physician leaders.
How much do the coaching services cost?
  1. The investment for the Purposeful Physician Coaching program for an individual is $7,000. This includes an intensive 2-hour introductory session, 6 months of virtual 1-hour coaching sessions every two weeks, a DISC communication assessment, and access to resources in the coaching library.
  2. The cost of other services such as group coaching sessions, alternative lengths of coaching programs, etc. vary; please reach out to me to discuss your needs!

I also provide

Coaching For Organizations

Healthcare organizations are faced with unprecedented challenges in the morale of their workforce.  Struggling physicians can affect their clinical and non-clinical teams, decrease the quality of patient care, and reduce efficiency and productivity.   

Whether your organization wants to focus on onboarding enhancement, growing physician leadership, provider wellness initiatives, or change management for your teams, I can provide a coaching service that fits.    

I look forward to partnering with you to create programming for your organization, whether that be one- on-one coaching services, wellness lectures, or small group workshops.

How this works

Connect with me!

1. Schedule a meeting

Pick the time that works for you using the calendar widget below. Enter your details and hit the “Book” button.

2. Check your email

There should be a confirmation email, with all the information and the meeting link.

3. All Set

See you soon! If you have any questions or you need to reschedule feel free to reach out.